powerpoint Presentation On Rainwater Harvesting Download

Rainwater Harvesting Seminar and PPT with pdf report

Rainwater Harvesting Seminar and PPT with pdf report: Our earth is covered with 75% of water and 25% of the land but water scarcity is a global issue because the large extent of water is not used for the domestic purpose, irrigation purposes and one of the solutions for such problem is the rainwater harvesting.

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In the areas of regular rainfall, the perfect alternative to overcome the water scarcity is the collection of rainwater called as rainwater harvesting. Falling rain furnishes clean, natural water and this is not astonishing because it is due to the distillation procedure. This harvesting does not include the water running from land into the streams, lakes, and rivers etc. It can be done in private buildings, public buildings and also in manufactured areas.

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Rainwater Harvesting Seminar and PPT with PDF Report

Objectives of Rainwater Harvesting:

  • Meet the growing needs and demands of water.
  • It decreases the run-off because it stops or blocks the drain.
  • Shunning the flooding of roads.
  • Increase the underground water level and decreases the groundwater pollution.
  • Decreases the corrosion of soil and completes the domestic needs of water.

Rainwater provides benefits in the quality of water for both cultivation, household aid and rainwater is pure water with no chemicals dissolve in it. In India, it is an ancient practice to collect the rainwater from the rooftops, foot-hills into the tanks. Rajasthan is very famous for this because a person named 'Rajendra Singh' has contributed a lot by constructing check dams and he was even respected with the Magsaysay Award for his commendable work. Since from the kings ruling period India has talabs, Hauz etc. which were used to save the rainwater and frequently water was supplied in dry periods. Mostly in dry and semi-dry regions check dams were built to save the water.

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Methods of harvesting water:

  • Tanks and reservoirs are used to store the water.
  • By building pits, dug wells and by recharging ground water.

Rainwater can be harvested from the following surfaces:

  1. Surface runoff Harvesting: In towns and cities, rainwater flows as surface runoff and this could be stored for the future use by implementing correct methods.
  2. Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting: In this method, the rainwater is directly stored, at where it falls. The components needed in this type of harvesting are:
  • Catchment
  • Transportation
  • First flush
  • Filter
  1. Catchment: The surface which takes the rainwater is called catchment and the catchment may be a terrace, open ground area etc.
  2. Transportation: The water from the catchment is taken down through the pipes to the harvesting place.
  3. First flush: the First flush is a machine provided at the outlet of transportation pipes and used to flush the water to avoid any contamination.
  4. Filter: At the peak points of the storage tanks filters are present which aids in removing all the dust particles present in water before storing it in the reservoir or tank.

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Rooftop harvested rainwater can be used in different methods and some of them are as follows:

  • The storage can be used directly.
  • The stored water can be used to recharge the ground water.

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Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting:

Rainwater harvesting is very beneficial and some of the advantages of it are:

  • The system of rainwater harvesting is very pliable because can avail it for different uses.
  • These methods are implemented within the house which makes the availability of water for domestic uses.
  • These are affordable and have low maintenance cost. These systems can be integrated privately ad eradicate the argument issue of maintenance.
  • Building the rainwater harvesting system is very simple and availing the system reduces the water bills.
  • There will be the reduction in the demand of water, floods and soil erosion.
  • It has the wide range of applications.

Disadvantages of Rainwater Harvesting:

Along with the advantages and applications in a wide range, rainwater harvesting also has few disadvantages and are as follows:

  • It needs regular maintenance and requires high cost during the implementation.
  • The storage tanks have limited storage.

Though there are few disadvantages in rainwater harvesting, it is highly recommended due to its applications and advantages. Along with that, it helps in solving the global issue i.e. the scarcity of water.

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Content of the Seminar and pdf report for Rainwater Harvesting

  • Introduction
  • What is Rainwater Harvesting
  • Why is it Important?
  • Objectives of Rainwater Harvesting
  • Methods
  • Components of the roof top rainwater harvesting
  • Advantages of
  • Disadvantages
  • Harvesting can begin today
  • References

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https://studymafia.org/rainwater-harvesting-seminar-and-ppt-with-pdf-report/ Sumit Thakur Civil Rainwater Harvesting Seminar and PPT with pdf report: Our earth is covered with 75% of water and 25% of the land but water scarcity is a global issue because the large extent of water is not used for the domestic purpose, irrigation purposes and one of the solutions for... Seminar Topics

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Source: https://studymafia.org/rainwater-harvesting-seminar-and-ppt-with-pdf-report/